Our kitchen is the key of family harmonization. If a mother makes her family some foods and the family member eat those foods together in the dining room in warm atmosphere, it is called harmonization in family. Putting your favorite colors in your kitchen will make you more exited in preparing all foods and drinks for your family member. Have you ever seen Violet exquisite kitchen design?
There are twelve Violet kitchen designs for those who love violet and love cooking. Violet is a warm color that is very nice if you put in the kitchen. You can also combine this color with other colors such as white, black, grey, yellow etc. In the pictures below the designer mostly combines violet with white and black, the combination is looked very good.
If you do love soft violet, you better combines it with white. You can choose a kitchen island and kitchen cabinet in white with some drawers with violet covers. You can paint entire your kitchen with soft violet and your roof and your floor with white. Some ornaments in your soft violet kitchen will be very nice, you can put some photograph, hanging lamp, a book rack etc.
If you want the violet becomes your kitchen accent but does not become the theme of your kitchen, you can check one of the pictures below. In this picture, the violet is pitting only on the backsplash. The other accommodations are on white and black. There is long white kitchen cabinet and black wall shelves above it.
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