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Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015

Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House

Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House - the house has many functions, namely, as the dwelling place of course, as a refuge from the problems of the outside such as natural disasters, disruption of wild animals, rain, sun, hurricanes and so forth. as a social place, a place of business such as opening stores, offices, and other sideline. the house can also be called as an investment in the future, that can be used to shelter our children's future or can be sold again, in a blog Stylish Interior Design Ideas Creating Original and Modern Homes we will discuss a lot of home design that certainly convenient for you live with your family, all right now we discuss the information about Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House
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    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House - Simple Living Room Designs - Minimalist themed living room is becoming a design trend lately. The minimalist design more preferable because the concept is simple and not much of the necessary accessories. You could decorate your own living room as you please, so you can develop creativity in your own homes. House with a minimalist design is not too demanding for excessive decorated, a simple touch would be enough and give the impression of elegance.

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House

    Here are a few living room design with simple concepts for your minimalist home. Pay attention to the selection of furniture, adjusted to the color of the room. In general, choosing colors for the living room with a minimalist concept is not too complicated. Simply by combining the colors matching the white domination or derivatives. Note also the shape of the furniture, usually minimalist concept uses a very basic shapes such as squares, round with flat sides and not a lot of grooves on its dimensions.

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Wide Space

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas
    For the living room with spacious dimensions you do not really required to estimate the dimensions of the furniture. As long as color and shape suitable then you can decorate a living room with ease. However, the placement is to be considered, especially for subject-related spatial lighting. Wrong laying can even make your living room seem gloomy, such as the laying of furniture that blocks the light. In the picture above, the lighting can be maximized, but you will not feel the glare while watching television.

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Direct Lighting

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas
    In line with previous living room design, in this picture it appears that the lighting is obtained by passing the maximum direct lighting from outside the home. Of course it is very profitable, with maximum lighting you can save expenses by minimizing the cost of lighting. Moreover concept very harmonious colors used, mix of gray and white on the walls blend with the color of cream-colored sofas tend. Very elegant, combined with minimalist themed room decoration.

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Perfect Lighting

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas
    Bright atmosphere felt in the living room as shown in the image above. The impression was due to the selection of colors and good lighting. Because the living room is adjacent to the exterior of the house, then the incoming light can be maximized. Bright colors furnishings can fluoresces the light, making the whole room seem bright. Selection of furniture is also greatly affected, which must support color selection. You can see the correspondence between the color of the floor, the couch and the wall color is very harmonious.

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Bright Shades

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas
    Likewise in the subject of the room with the impression of light, the living room on the image above utilizes color selection. Furniture that used to have a brighter color, according to the color of the floor that has wood motif. I really like the style of orange-colored walls as television perch. The color is very harmonious with the room and give the impression of refreshing.

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Narrow Spaces

    Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas
    The last image shows extensive utilization with limited space as the living room. The rooms were not very spacious indeed have to pay attention to the size and dimensions of the furniture being used. Necessary prudence in choosing the furniture, the wrong one will not fit your furniture in a small room, or even a lot of space is wasted. In the picture can be seen that the sofa is used has a dimension that is not too wide, the table used is also adapted to the size of the room. However, the lighting still have to be prioritized in order to impress your living room alive.

    just so many articles Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House

    hopefully Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House information can provide benefits in determining the home that suits your needs.

    Thank you information about Simple Living Room Designs and Decorating Ideas for Minimalist House we have stated, may be useful to you in determining a comfortable home design untu you and your family, you can share the book mark or link remedy more easily return to this blog and receive other information about the design of the house, thank you for visiting

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