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Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom

How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom - the house has many functions, namely, as the dwelling place of course, as a refuge from the problems of the outside such as natural disasters, disruption of wild animals, rain, sun, hurricanes and so forth. as a social place, a place of business such as opening stores, offices, and other sideline. the house can also be called as an investment in the future, that can be used to shelter our children's future or can be sold again, in a blog Stylish Interior Design Ideas Creating Original and Modern Homes we will discuss a lot of home design that certainly convenient for you live with your family, all right now we discuss the information about How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom
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    How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom -

    A lot of people sometime confuse and wondering about  "what color should i paint my dormitory? what color to paint the kids bedroom? What color should the walls of your master or main bedroom have?" etc. Well here is some tips and ideas that  I found on the Internet, hope can help you.

    Before painting our room we must know what kind of lighting we want, then choose paint colors and textures.

    1. LIGHTING:

    lighting-color bedroomsdifferent-lighting bedrooms

    A key factor that will affect the visual perception of color is the natural sunlight and the color of artificial light in interior spaces. The light can vary from yellow (incandescent) to white (fluorescent), depending on the installed bulb. Generally we recommend using white light as main light, so that the color can be appreciated as it is. However, it depends on the ambient and lighting design you want to achieve. The new high-performance bulbs (spiral) or "energy saving" bulbs (CFLs) serve this purpose. Therefore, I recommend you to choose various options and combinations, and carry those cards with you to see the color in your bedroom or in front of your project, so you can see how light will affect the combination. Depending on the color of light you choose, you can create a warm or cold environment, and not necessarily have to be white or yellow but other colors.


    Nowadays, paint companies offer a vast range of colors. So many that they come to be overwhelming if you are not sure which the right tone for your project is. All of us perceive a physical reaction from a feeling that a color produces on us, so it is important to play it safe. You always have the opportunity to consult an architect, interior designer or decorator to help you choose the appropriate scheme. Here you have a few colors ColoursFutures presented with a unique name and alpha numeric code on

    color-tones bedrooms

    Red tones: Thoughtful and contemplative. The new tones are deep, vibrant and soft, providing a touch of luxury and sensuality.
    Orange tones: Loud and enthusiastic tones are gone for those who are connected with ecology and environment, sand, sunrise and seashells.
    Yellow Tones: Acids and mustard yellows give intellectual and artistic accents. Modern, urban and expressive.

    color-tones bedrooms

    Neutral tones: Deeper shades have a soft power that is warm and inviting. Reassuring, safe and protective.
    Green tones: The greens are reminiscent of healing aloe, cactus and herbs, calming both mind and eye, a spiritual refreshment for all the senses.
    Blue Tones: Delicate, pale, luminous, reflect the translucent beauty of water and dawns, showing an eternal and ethereal beauty.
    Violet tones: Night shades of great subtlety bridge the gap between this family of neutral colors and warm, warm tones and deep shadows.
    Cold tones: This full range of modern tones, from nearly black to almost white, allows very graphic interpretations when used alone or with other nuances.

    3. COLOR TEST:
    When in doubt on whether you made the right choice, purchase at least two color alternatives in small size. Apply each color on the surface on a trial basis. You can physically see how it looks and how the effect of light varies the color on your bedroom area. Thus, you will invest more money in a shade of color which is the one that suits you. In addition, several paint companies can provide computer software such as "color display" where you just choose a picture and you can choose the colors you want on a trial basis. Of course, only a real trial on the place will ensure the desired color tone.


    just so many articles How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom

    hopefully How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom information can provide benefits in determining the home that suits your needs.

    Thank you information about How To Chose Color Walls In Your Bedroom we have stated, may be useful to you in determining a comfortable home design untu you and your family, you can share the book mark or link remedy more easily return to this blog and receive other information about the design of the house, thank you for visiting

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