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Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love

Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love - the house has many functions, namely, as the dwelling place of course, as a refuge from the problems of the outside such as natural disasters, disruption of wild animals, rain, sun, hurricanes and so forth. as a social place, a place of business such as opening stores, offices, and other sideline. the house can also be called as an investment in the future, that can be used to shelter our children's future or can be sold again, in a blog Stylish Interior Design Ideas Creating Original and Modern Homes we will discuss a lot of home design that certainly convenient for you live with your family, all right now we discuss the information about Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love
Articles : Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love
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    Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love - Playroom Themes
    It seems like everything in decorating has to have a theme at the moment, but in a playroom it's actually quite a good place to start, even if you don't carry the theme through the whole room. The playroom is the one room in the house where you can go theme crazy though. Let your imagination run wild with these playroom decorating theme ideas:
    • Space
    • Circus
    • Princess
    • Racing Cars
    • Dinosaur Land
    • Under the Sea
    • Nursery Rhymes
    • Rainbow & Butterflies
    • Jungle
    • Farmyard
    • Sport

    Incorporating the Theme
    An effective method of incorporating theme into a playroom, is decorating the walls with a mural or trompe l'oeil painting. The idea that this is difficult to achieve just isn't true - it doesn't have to be anything complicated or even require you to be artistic. Start with 2012/02/how-to-faux-paint-clouds-and-sky.html">faux painting clouds and sky, for example, and add details from there. The clouds and sky theme can be used for over half of the theme ideas given above, and be made unique with the addition of smaller painted details. Pencil these out before painting and you'll have no problems.

    If you aren't artistic at all, or just don't possess the time, then playroom decorating ideas don't come any easier than painting the walls in block color, and add theme with the use of pictures or vinyl wall decals. These can be store bought or even made yourself. Continue the theme with the use of toys out on display that fit with the decoration on the walls (racing car toys, cuddly jungle animals, a tiara, etc.), and use curtains, cushions, bean bags, and floor mats that link with the theme too.

    If you are feeling especially brave then follow the theme right up to the ceiling, by either incorporating it into the mural, or with the addition of mobiles and hanging toys (space shuttle, butterflies, pterodactyl).


    Practical Storage, Walls & Floors
    The paint you use to cover the playroom walls with should preferably have a subtle sheen, allowing you to wipe off any "artwork" children may create over your paintwork, more easily. Your choice of flooring should be tiled or laminate for the same reason - try getting play dough out of carpet! Wallpaper is not advisable, not just because it's more difficult to replace (as opposed to painting over a serious mark), but because it will get worn, and peel (or get torn) off the walls.

    Now you've made the playroom an attractive place to play, you want to make sure it's practical too. Storage not only helps keep the room more tidy, it also allows your children to be more independent by pulling out their own toys, and recognizing pictures or words to know where to put them back again. The best option for playroom storage is boxes that are stacked, but able to be pulled out like drawers. If you can make storage units into seating areas too, then you have a multipurpose area, making the most of the available space.
    Further Ideas

    • If you have the room, then split the playroom up into sections - tools, cooking, shops, arts & crafts, action games, floor area reserved for cars or jigsaws, and a sitting area for stories.
    • Utilize the playroom space as a children's dining room or snack area. If space is at a premium then install a wall mounted folding table.
    • Use the kids own artwork to decorate the room. Use in whole or in part - use as a mosaic and varnish over a section of wall, or use certain sections to incorporate into the room - dinosaur eggs for example.

    Using these playroom decorating ideas will ensure that not only do you have a playroom that looks good, it is also organized, practical, and above all else, a fun and safe place for your children to play.

    just so many articles Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love

    hopefully Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love information can provide benefits in determining the home that suits your needs.

    Thank you information about Ideas for Decorating a Playroom Your Kids Will Love we have stated, may be useful to you in determining a comfortable home design untu you and your family, you can share the book mark or link remedy more easily return to this blog and receive other information about the design of the house, thank you for visiting

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